Hello I am

Rushikesh sharma

Web Developer

About me

Hello, I’m a Rushikesh sharma , web-developer From Goa. I am familier with web designing as i have worked on difffernt framework for web development. Also I am good at

  • Java
  • C
  • PHP
  • React
  • Javascript

What I Do


As a student and learner i am still learning more languages and new trends which Industry follows.But i am confident enough to say that i am good at Java, Javascript and C..

Web development

From all of the above i am confident at my web development skills where i am familiar with different frame work and new technology used in web design.


This is the section where i enjoy the most and which is new to me.. currently learning...


Primary Studies

completed my studies at school of sysmbiosis which is located at shiroda

Diploma In Computer Engineering

In this course which was of three years i learnt a lot comapre to my schools...like all the technical skills and requiremet which industry needed


Student At Goa College of Engineering

2020 to 2024

Contact me


Vazem, shiroda Goa




Will be live when it is done .. which i am currently working on it